Starvation as a weapon of war must stop

5 Apr

Public Health Magazine, April 2024

Starvation as a weapon of war must stop

The Lancet

Published:April 06, 2024

The theme of World Health Day on April 7 is ‘my health, my right’, underscoring the UN’s assertion that “every human being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health conducive to living a life in dignity”. In this week’s issue, the report from Under threat: the International AIDS Society–Lancet Commission on Health and Human Rights examines the steady deterioration of the global commitment to human rights in the 21st century, with serious and increasingly damaging effects on health. Shockingly, one of the most basic of rights, access to food, remains unattainable for the 691 to 783 million people who were food insecure in 2022. In conflict zones, where nearly 60% or 158 million hungry people live, conflict has displaced populations, destroyed economies and infrastructure, and led to high prices for scarce goods. Moreover, the destruction of the food supply can be deliberately used to starve people as a weapon of war, which has been more commonplace since 2010. One stark and distressing current example: the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has stated that there is a plausible case that Israel is now using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza. Why is starving people to death increasingly occurring and why do countries and the UN allow it to continue?

According to Alex DeWaal, the Director of the World Peace Foundation, about two-thirds of the people facing hunger “live in war or violence zones”. Sudan, for example, is facing a famine due to conflict with nearly 18 million people experiencing acute food insecurity. In Ukraine, 11 million people are hungry, owing to Russia’s targeting of Ukrainian ports and grain production. Aid budgets are insufficient for delivering food aid to war zones and aid itself is dependent upon negotiations with warring parties. In Yemen in 2014, the Saudi-backed coalition effectively blockaded the ports in a country that already had widespread malnourishment. Only once widespread mortality had set in was a truce agreed upon. The inevitable outcome was that by the start of 2022, UNDP estimated that the conflict had caused more than 377 000 deaths, with 60% of these deaths the result of hunger, lack of health care, and unsafe water.

Accountability mechanisms are important, but only when heeded. One such initiative is the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), convened by a Famine Review Committee (FRC), of leading humanitarian agencies. The FRC uses a standardised five-point scale to measure hunger, as an early warning system to begin aid before people are starving. For the Famine classification to be declared, an area must have at least 20% of households facing an extreme lack of food, at least 30% of children suffering from acute malnutrition, and two people for every 10 000 dying each day due to starvation or malnutrition and disease. Application of the scale in Gaza concluded that Gaza was above IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase V(Catastrophe) thresholds. The FRC’s calls of Catastrophe have so far not led to sufficient aid reaching the Gazan population.

Despite attempts by combatants and countries to justify starvation of a civilian population as an outcome of war, the Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Amartya Sen argues otherwise. He said, when talking about the Great Bengal and Ethiopian Famines, that understanding starvation necessitates understanding entitlements. Existing economic systems allow some people to be entitled to food, while others are allowed to starve. This is often the case in conflict zones, where those with means might be able to barter until food aid arrives or they are able to leave the conflict zone. As a result, the most vulnerable, such as pregnant and lactating women and their babies, suffer the greatest burden in terms of morbidity and mortality.

What can be done to hold perpetrators of starvation accountable? António Guterres, UN Secretary-General, and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, have been powerful voices expressing outrage when the rules of war have been violated. They have used their offices courageously to criticise member-states that have broken international humanitarian law. But, as the International AIDS Society–LancetCommission correctly points out, the UN Security Council inconsistently addresses and rarely enforces international human rights law in conflict settings. The reality is that geopolitical rivalries prevent collective political action to stop inhumane and illegal actions by rogue governments. As wars worsen and leave deep scars in the moral conscience of the international community, health leaders must insist on the centrality of human rights to protect vulnerable and innocent populations struggling in conflict settings. The use of starvation as a weapon of war is a crime that must be prosecuted and punished to protect the most basic right of all: human dignity. Lancet

“Contemplating National Doctors’ Day, March 30: The Impact of Palestinian Physicians in Gaza” by dr. Ghassan Shahrour

30 Mar

The Impact of Palestinian Physicians in Gaza

As National Doctors’ Day, widely observed in various countries including USA and Australia, coincides with Palestine Land Day on March 30th, it’s an opportune and fitting moment to acknowledge the extraordinary, historically unprecedented dedication of Palestinian physicians in Gaza. 

 Despite enduring significant challenges such as the bombing of their healthcare facilities, casualties, severe resource limitations, and hunger conditions, these physicians remain steadfast in their commitment to providing healthcare and life saving services to their people. 

As of early March, the toll stands at over 100,000 individuals, most of them children and women, killed and injured, including 339 medical workers, 223 journalists, 152 UN employees, and 46 civil defense personnel. Additionally, 30 hospitals, 99 schools, and universities have been destroyed.

 In Gaza, these physicians play an indispensable role in delivering essential, much-needed medical services. From treating chronic illnesses to responding to emergencies resulting from Israeli military attacks and blockade, their expertise saves countless lives of newborns, children, women, and older people daily. Moreover, Palestinian physicians in Gaza often spearhead medical innovation, devising creative solutions to navigate unimaginable challenges.  Their resilience and resourcefulness embody the essence of the medical profession. 

 On National Doctors’ Day, let’s as medical doctors and their organizations express gratitude to these guardians of health whose selfless sacrifices and unwavering dedication inspire us all. Their pioneering, unprecedented role in preserving life, promoting health, and fostering healing in Gaza warrants recognition and appreciation, serving as a poignant reminder of the power of compassion and resilience in the face of adversity, genocide, and ethnic cleansing forces.

آفاز: أوقفوا حرب الإبادة!

29 Mar

  • قبل 10 دقائق   María R. أسبانيا
  • قبل 10 دقائق   Melisa M. المكسيك
  • قبل 10 دقائق   Francisco G. المكسيك
  • قبل 10 دقائق   Matthias ألمانيا
  • قبل 10 دقائق   Piua V. أسبانيا

يحبس العالم أنفاسه بينما تستعد إسرائيل لاجتياحٍ بري واسع النطاق في رفح، الملجأ الأخير في غزة حيث يتجمع أكثر من مليون مدني، وقد يموت آلاف الأطفال الأبرياء ولا سبيل أمامهم للنجاة. ومع زيارة وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي إلى العاصمة واشنطن لطلب المزيد من الأسلحة قبل الهجوم على رفح، ندعوكم للتوقيع على هذا النداء العاجل للرئيس بايدن لوقف تصدير الأسلحة إلى إسرائيل قبل فوات الأوان.

أوقفوا هذه الحرب الآن!

“سيادة الرئيس بايدن،

يمكنك منع إسرائيل من غزو رفح وتجويع أكثر من مليون مدني فلسطيني حتّى الموت.

إنّ الولايات المتحدة هي أكبر داعمي إسرائيل بالأسلحة، وأنت تسمح بإعطاء الأسلحة الأمريكية لحكومةٍ تمنع وصول المساعدات الإغاثية للمحتاجين وتنتهك القانون الدولي، وأنت وحدك قادرٌ على إنهاء هذا الإجرام.

نحن مواطنون من جميع أنحاء العالم، نطالبك بالتوقف عن تأجيج نار الموت والمعاناة في غزة.

أوقفوا تصدير الأسلحة إلى إسرائيل”.

:نشر ٢٣ مارس ٢٠٢٤

Dr. Denis Mukwege, has joined The Elders.

26 Mar

Dear All,

Dr. Denis Mukwege, a renowned Congolese gynecologist and Nobel Peace Laureate, has joined The Elders. We believe that his dedication to professionalism, humanism, and human rights will strengthen the organization’s noble mission, established by Nelson Mandela in 2007.

The Elders, founded in 2007, consists of independent global leaders committed to peace, justice, human rights, and sustainability.

Dr. Denis Mukwege

Ghassan Shahrour MD

Reflections on the “Day of Days” by Dr. Ghassan Shahrour

20 Mar
“Day of days”

Reflections on the “Day of Days” by Dr. Ghassan Shahrour

In my opinion, March 21st epitomizes the “day of days,” representing a profound convergence of diverse celebrations and observances resonating on local, regional, and global scales. This day serves as a focal point for advocating crucial global issues, including the pursuit of peace and harmony.

Among these, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination stands as a stark reminder of the ongoing fight against prejudice and injustice, fostering environments of tolerance and respect essential for peace. World Poetry Day adds a creative dimension, promoting dialogue and understanding through the art of poetry, while the International Day of Forests emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the importance of preserving nature, fundamental for sustaining peace.

World Down Syndrome Day promotes inclusion and acceptance, values that are essential for building peaceful societies where every individual can thrive. International Nowruz Day, recognized by UNESCO and the UN, not only celebrates the arrival of spring but also symbolizes renewal and reconciliation, fostering goodwill among diverse cultures and promoting peaceful coexistence.

As these international observances intersect, they create a rich tapestry of compassion, activism, and celebration, contributing to the broader goal of fostering peace and understanding worldwide.

Additionally, in our region, March 21st is Mother’s Day, a time to honor and appreciate the remarkable mothers who play vital roles in nurturing peaceful communities.

On this special day, I extend warm wishes to all, embracing the spirit of the “Day of Days” and reaffirming our commitment to building a more peaceful and harmonious world for present and future generations.

*Reflection on Johan Galtung and the Importance of Partnership with Social Work Professionals in Building Justice in the World

8 Mar
“Nowadays, as goes the social worker, so goes the people’s lives.” Ghassan Shahrour

In my years of participation in various social activities organized by national societies across the region – from Syrian to Egyptian, Palestinian, and Kuwaiti societies – I’ve come to a profound realization: the social work profession holds a paramount role in the lives of people, no matter where they may be. 

This conviction led me to publish articles emphasizing the pivotal role of social workers in our societies, advocating for their empowerment, and highlighting the profound impact they have on individuals’ lives. As I once wrote, “Nowadays, as goes the social worker, so goes the people’s lives.”

Attached is image of my presentation and my quote. 

 Recently, I came across the remarkable achievements and contributions of Johan Galtung, a renowned sociologist and academic who passed away in February 2024. Galtung’s legacy includes founding a number of pivotal institutions such as TRANSCEND: A Network for Peace, Development, and Environment, the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo in 1959, and the Journal of Peace Research in 1964. He also published more than hundred books and thousands articles. 

His work laid the foundation for peace studies and conflict resolution, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent approaches to resolving conflicts and promoting sustainable peace.

 Undoubtedly, social workers are indispensable agents of change, profoundly impacting the lives of individuals, families, and communities. With dedication, compassion, and expertise, they provide essential support, advocacy, and resources to help people navigate challenges, promote social justice, and foster resilient communities. 

In our ever-evolving world, fraught with complex social issues, the role of social workers remains paramount in striving towards a more just and equitable society. 

As a medical doctor and health professional organization, I have always firmly believed that collaboration with social workers and other professionals in the field is essential for creating a world where justice, equality, and peace prevail. By leveraging their expertise, advocating for systemic change, and empowering communities, we can work together to build a society that upholds the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstance.


Ghassan Shahrour, MD

اليوم العالمي للمنظمات غير الحكومية 2024

27 Feb

مقدمة إلى الندوة المقامة في هذه المناسبة

رسالة مفتوحة تدعو قادة العالم إلى إظهار قيادة بعيدة النظر بشأن التهديدات الوجودية

16 Feb
رسالة مفتوحة الشيوخ ومعهد مستقبل الحياة

يحث الشيوخ ومعهد مستقبل الحياة ومجموعة متنوعة من الموقعين المشاركين صناع القرار على معالجة التأثير المستمر والمخاطر المتصاعدة لأزمة المناخ والأوبئة والأسلحة النووية والذكاء الاصطناعي غير الخاضع للحكم بشكل عاجل.

يواجه عالمنا خطرًا شديدًا. فنحن نواجه مجموعة من التهديدات التي تعرض البشرية جمعاء للخطر. وعلى الجانب الآخر، لا تتسم ردود أفعال قادتنا بالقدر المطلوب من الحكمة والسرعة.

لقد أصبح تأثير هذه التهديدات جليًا بالفعل: فهو يظهر في مناخ سريع التغير وسط انتشار جائحة أدت لوفاة الملايين وتسببت في خسائر تٌقدر بمليارات الدولارات، ونشوب حروب أُثيرت فيها مسألة استخدام الأسلحة النووية علنًا.

وقد يكون في انتظارنا ما هو أسوأ في المستقبل. إن بعض هذه التهديدات يعرّض وجود الحياة على الأرض للخطر. فنحن لا نعرف حتى الآن مدى جسامة المخاطر الناشئة عن الذكاء الاصطناعي.

كما أننا على حافة الهاوية.

يدعو المُوقِّعون على هذه الرسالة زعماء العالم إلى العمل معًا لمعالجة هذه التهديدات الوجودية بشكل أكثر حسمًا. نرحب بانضمام الأشخاص من جميع المجتمعات والأجيال والآراء السياسية إلينا في المطالبة باتخاذ قرارات شجاعة – من أجل مستقبلنا المشترك.

إن المعرفة والموارد اللازمة لمواجهة هذه التحديات موجودة. لكن الكثير من قادتنا يفتقرون إلى الإرادة السياسية أو القدرة على اتخاذ إجراءات حاسمة، فهم يبحثون عن حلول قصيرة المدى بدلاً من الحلول طويلة المدى.

وفي عام يشهد فيه نصف سكان العالم البالغين إجراء الانتخابات، فإننا نحث جميع الذين يسعون إلى تولي المناصب على اتخاذ نهج جديد وجريء. إننا بحاجة إلى قيادة بعيدة النظر من صناع القرارات الذين يدركون حجم التهديدات الوجودية العاجلة التي نواجهها، ويؤمنون بقدرتنا على التغلب عليها.

تعني القيادة بعيدة النظر إظهار العزم على حل المشاكل المستعصية وليس مجرد إدارتها، والتحلي بالحكمة اللازمة لاتخاذ القرارات على أساس الأدلة العلمية والمعقولية، والتواضع الذي يقتضي الاستماع إلى جميع الأطراف المتضررة. يتعين كذلك على القادة ذوي النظرة البعيدة أن يتمتعوا بالقوة الأخلاقية اللازمة لمعالجة المخاوف الحالية والمخاطر طويلة المدى، وغالبًا ما يكون ذلك على حساب المصالح الشخصية.

وينبغي أن تكون هذه القيم مشتركة بين جميع القادة السياسيين، لكن للأسف يفتقدها الكثيرون في الواقع. إننا بحاجة إلى قادة، نساءً ورجالاً، يُظهرون باستمرار الشجاعة في القيام بالآتي:

التفكير فيما هو أبعد من الدورات السياسية قصيرة المدى وتقديم الحلول للأجيال الحالية والمستقبلية.

إدراك أن الإجابات الدائمة تتطلب تقديم حلول وسط والتعاون حتى يعود النفع على العالم أجمع.

وإظهار التعاطف مع جميع الأشخاص، ووضع سياسات مستدامة تحترم أن الجميع يولدون أحرارًا ويتساوون في الكرامة والحقوق.

التمسك بسيادة القانون الدولي وقبول أن الاتفاقيات الدائمة تتطلب الشفافية والمساءلة.

الالتزام برؤية متفائلة للمستقبل المشترك للبشرية، وليس التلاعب بماضيها المنقسم.

يمكن الاستعانة بهذه المبادئ الخاصة بالقيادة بعيدة النظر من أجل إحداث تغييرات عاجلة في السياسة. تستطيع الحكومات العمل الآن بهدف الاتفاق على كيفية تمويل الانتقال إلى مستقبل آمن وصحي مدعوم بالطاقة النظيفة، وإطلاق محادثات الحد من استخدام الأسلحة من أجل احتواء مخاطر نشوب حرب نووية، وإنقاذ ملايين الأرواح من خلال إبرام معاهدة عادلة لمكافحة الأوبئة، والبدء في بناء الحوكمة العالمية اللازمة لتطويع الذكاء الاصطناعي لصالح البشرية، ومنع تحوله إلى خطر جامح على الجميع.

وفي ظل استعداد القادة للاجتماع في نيويورك في شهر سبتمبر لحضور مؤتمر القمة المعني بالمستقبل الذي تعقده الأمم المتحدة، نعتقد أنه قد حان الوقت لتغيير المسار. إن أكبر المخاطر التي تواجهنا لا يمكن أن تعالجها أي دولة بمفردها. ومع ذلك، عندما تعمل الدول معًا، يصبح من الممكن معالجة هذه التحديات كلها، وذلك لصالحنا جميعًا.

وعلى الرغم من خطورة هذه التهديدات الوجودية، فإن الأمل لا يزال موجودًا. ما زال مستقبلنا الأفضل في انتظارنا. ونحن ندعو القادة إلى تبني نظرة بعيدة المدى للأمور، وإظهار الشجاعة اللازمة لقيادتنا في اتجاه تحقيق هذا المستقبل الأفضل.

Still terrible decisions after 4 months, a must-watch video and more

10 Feb

An newsletter rich in human security aspects I received from:

Mazin Qumsiyeh,
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine

What is the bottom line after 4 months of onslaught following the initial
october 7 Gaza Ghetto Uprising? Where are we? This blog is posted at

In Gaza: The killing of 27,967 Palestinians (including 12,345 children,
8,000 women, 339 medical workers, 223 journalists, 152 UN employees and 46
civil defence).  This is not counting thousands under the rubble. The
wounding of 71,378 Palestinians. The destruction of 79,000 houses and
25,010 buildings (including banks, markets, bakeries…), partially damaged
housing units 290,000, and destruction of 30 hospitals, 99 schools and
universities (334 partially destroyed schools and universities), 161
Mosques, 3 Churches, 140 Government Buildings (including the Legislative
Council building, the Gaza Municipality building, the public library and
theatre, the cultural centre, water and electricity stations…), 122
ambulances, and 195 heritage sites some dating back to 800 BC. The
displacement of 2,000,000 Palestinians. The detention of 4,000
Palestinians. And the final stage of Israel’s genocide is unfolding with
mass starvation while the International Community will not stop it (see

In the West Bank: The killing of 382 Palestinians (including 101 children).
The wounding of 4,400 Palestinians. The detention of 6,870 Palestinians.
The devastation of the economy and the educational system due to
ghettoization and apartheid colonial policies.

Israeli regime and regionally: Israeli fascist regime climbed up a tree
that involved committing genocide to make the Palestinians surrender.
Palestinian resistance did not surrender and inflicted heavy casualties on
the Israeli army trying to invade Gaza strip. Hundreds of Israeli soldiers
were killed and thousands injured. Over 1000 tanks and APCs were destroyed
or damaged. As the global demonstrations continued to grow, only
blackmailed and/or bribed western politicians (and the media arms) stayed
in support of the genocidal and apartheid Zionist regime. But even those
are now trying to have their cake and eat it too: they physically support
the genocide militarily and diplomatically while verbally expressing
“concern” about “humanitarian situation in Gaza”. No one believes them.
That is how we understand the US and British government positions. But
among the people there is a paradigm shift (see More
than 800 civil servants from the U.S., the UK, and the European Union
released a statement on Friday criticizing their governments’ support of
Israel in its war in Gaza, warning that such policies could be contributing
to war crimes and violations of international law (

As for Israeli positions as I predicted 20 years ago, they get more and
more fascist. Benjamin Mileikowski (fake name Netanyahu) while Hitlerian in
his views and actions is more mild than the ascending populist ultra
hitlers: Gantz (who called Palestinains human animals and cut off water,
fuel, food, and medicine) to BenGvir (who armed marauding zionazi settlers
to hundt Palestinians) to Smotrich (a settler who called for ethnic
cleansing and genocide by hunger and who sas finance minister stole
Palestinain money). These three will be the face of “Israel” in a
post-Likud government.  The fact that Israel sent Blinken empty handed and
rejected the fair offer of the resistance (
and wants to keep the genocide ongoing is an indication of where things are

Regionally, the local banana republic presidents and leaders will need to
assess whether the US and Israel can keep  them on as their tools against
the wishes of their people or will they face the fate of Shah Pahlavi of
Iran. From the Moroccan King to Egyptian Dictator Sisi who destroyed
Egyptian Economy) to the spoiled brat ruling the UAE and all in between. A
rising tide of resistance is spreading in our regions and the US, UK,
Germany et al. continue to make terrible decisions against their own
national interest in other places too (see this conversation with Vladimir
Putin )

MUST WATCH: Palestinian American doctor tells of losing some 100 family

الامن الإنساني.. مدخل جديد في الدراسات الأمنية

1 Feb

الأمن الإنساني.. مدخل جديد
تلخيص رسالة ماجستير مجازة من جامعة الجزائر (عام 2004)
عرض: سعيد طه